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5 Smart Ways the Hospitality Industry Can Increase Its Digital Signage ROI

From interactive menus to airport transportation schedules, there are a multitude of ways that hoteliers can use digital signage to improve the guest experience.

Hotels that upgrade their equipment to modern standards find it much easier to attract guests. After all, millennials and Gen Z comprise a large chunk of today’s travel and tourism market. As digital natives, they prefer lodgings with familiar technology such as online reservations, streaming channels, and smart appliances and locks. Of course, these and other technologies like digital signage may cost more up front, but hotels can expect a high and fast return on their investment (ROI).

Digital signage, in particular, is a great way for the hospitality industry to share information with its customers. Today’s digital natives want to receive information in real time and on demand. 

Every moment counts for a vacationer, who wants instant updates on special promotions, available activities, and weather forecasts. Digital signage can provide this information on the dot and in multiple ways, from well-positioned display kiosks to hotel room TVs. 

How To Achieve Faster Digital Signage ROI 

Investing in digital signage can greatly improve the way hotels communicate with their customers. When basic hotel information is freely available on always-on digital devices, guests won’t need to worry the front desk with basic requests. Freeing your staff from this burden lets them focus on providing personalized services. 

But how can digital touch screens and kiosks improve the hotel guest experience? Let’s look at five ways a hotel’s digital signage can help guests save time while also delivering a strong ROI:

1. Registration Information and Self-Service Kiosk

During weekends and holidays, plenty of guests will jam hotels and overwhelm the front desk. Placing several digital signage devices in the reception area gives guests a self-service option when they check in.

The digital display devices can also serve as an information kiosk that answers frequently asked questions. This tactical use of smart devices can help beleaguered hotel staff process guests faster. 

2. Restaurant Interactive Menus

Hungry guests expect an up-to-date menu at all hours; they certainly don’t want to have to phone in their orders. Having interactive menus available on strategic display devices ensures that guests have access to updated menus. In some cases, guests can order directly via their hotel room smart TVs without having to talk to a human staff member. 

3. Navigational Aid

Information kiosks that feature navigational maps can often be found in large malls and buildings. In particular, the “You Are Here” feature helps people orient themselves with their location. Large resort hotels with plenty of amenities can also use similar devices to help guests find their way to their choice of activity. 

4. Hotel Information Screen

An all-in-one hotel information screen can provide real-time details and updates that are highly useful to guests. What’s more, the digital signage can run 24/7, which relieves customer service staff and boosts your ROI on the equipment. Here are a few notices you might share:

  • Weather Updates: The weather can change often and abruptly. Display the latest forecast at regular intervals on all displays to keep guests informed and safe. 
  • Airport Transportation Schedules: Having this information available on display devices can prove invaluable to guests who need help with their flight accommodations. It will also remind them to make arrangements earlier instead of waiting until they check out.
  • Calendar of Activities: Especially during major holidays, hotels will often host activities designed to appeal to guests. Make this information available via digital signage devices in lobbies and room TVs to help boost attendance. 
  • Hotel Promotions and Special Offers: Promotions such as all-you-can-eat buffets or special family deals need plenty of visibility to catch your guests’ attention. Display these promos on hotel lobby TVs, restaurant digital signage, and hotel room TVs to give your guests plenty of dining and activity choices. 
  • Currency Exchange Rates: Foreign guests who want to exchange their money would want to check out the hotel rates before they venture outside. Put this information on your displays to nudge these customers to perform their currency swaps within the hotel. 

5. Sports or Live Events Screen 

Ultra-large sports events such as football championship games and the Olympics can draw huge crowds to venues like hotels. Convert digital signage devices into streaming devices during such major sporting events to help keep your guests glued to the screens. At the very least, you can rotate through the top scores and other news so fans can keep up with their teams. 

The Right Android TV Manager Means a Faster Digital Signage ROI

Getting your digital devices to do more than display images is a great way to inform your guests and help your hotel staff at the same time. But to make your devices perform optimally, you’ll need reliable device management software to manage, maintain, and secure your equipment. 

Devices running in an Android TV environment can especially benefit from the right Android TV manager. When everything works as planned, you achieve your digital signage ROI much faster. 

Specifically, a cloud-based, device-agnostic Android TV manager can ensure all your devices’ apps and operating systems remain updated at all times. Administrators can connect wirelessly and remotely to any or all devices to install updates or software fixes. They can also ensure that only authorized users and those with proper credentials have access to certain areas of the device. Should an unauthorized user try to log in, admins can remotely shut down or freeze the devices. 

Investing in digital signage devices becomes an even smarter strategy when you pair them with the right Android TV manager. By ensuring that your devices run optimally and sport the latest software and firmware versions, your guests can enjoy unbridled digital hotel services. As a result, you’ll see your ROI for your digital signage and displays soar.

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